Course Announcement

Mathematics 16B, Fall 2001

Professor Bernd Sturmfels

Office hours: Wednesday, 9:30am - 11:00am and Thursday 12:30pm - 2:00pm.
925 Evans Hall
Office telephone: 642 4687

Our class meets in 100 Lewis on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11:00 am until 12:00 noon.
Participation in the class, even in this large lecture course, will be strongly encouraged.

Teaching assistants:

Text book: L.J. Goldstein, D.C. Lay, and D.I. Schneider, Calculus and its Applications , 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2001. We will cover Chapters 7-12.

Quizzes: Five quizzes will be given during the main lecture. These will occur on randomly selected dates. There will be no make-up quizzes.

Midterms: Midterm 1 is held in class on Monday, September 24, and covers Chapter 7-8 of the text book. Midterm 2 is held in class on Monday, October 29, and covers Chapter 7-10 of the text book. A review session is held on Friday before each midterm. No books, notes, calculators, scratch paper or collaboration are permitted at any exam. Student photo ID and a blue-covered exam booklet are required at the midterms and final exam. No make-up midterms will be given; instead, missing midterm scores will be overridden by the final exam score.

Click here for Midterm 1, solutions to Midterm 1, Midterm 2, and solutions to Midterm 2.

Final Exam: The final exam will be held from 12:30 to 3:30pm on Wednesday, December 12, in the Wheeler Auditorium, and will cover the material from the entire course. There will be no make-up final exams. If you are unable to attend the final exam due to documented and unexpected circumstances beyond your control, and you have a C average on the previous coursework, an imcomplete may be assigned.

Click here for Final Exam, solutions to the Final Exam.

Here is a sample final exam prepared by Amit Khetan . He will discuss this exam in his review session on Sunday, December 11, 4-6pm.

Grading: Quizzes 5 %, Homework 10 %, Midterms 25 % each, Final 35 %. The final exam score will override any lower midterm score. This means that, a posteriori, your final exam may count as 60 % or 85 % instead of 35 %.

Homework: About ten problems covering the lecture material of each week will be due at the beginning of your section on Thursday of the following week. No late homework can be accepted, as solution will be posted shortly after the due date.

Here are the assigned homework problems. Click on the due date (any time after that date) to see the solutions. The reader will grade two problems per homework set. The two problems which will be graded are marked by bold face.

Homework # 1 (due September 6): p 372 # 8, p 372 # 9, p 373 # 21, p 373 # 22, p 381 # 9, p 381 # 17 , p 381 # 24, p 382 # 26, p 382 # 31 , p 383 # 38.

Homework # 2 (due September 13): p 390 # 7, p 390 # 12, p 390 # 23, p 390 # 26, p 390 # 29 , p 399 # 4, p 399 # 7, p 399 # 9, p 400 # 11 , p 400 # 15, p 401 # 24.

Homework # 3 (due September 20): p 407 # 7, p 407 # 10, p 407 # 13 , p 426 # 1, p 426 # 4, p 426 # 9, p 426 # 14 , p 427 # 14, p 427 # 26, p 434 # 17.

Homework # 2 (due September 27): p 440 # 3, p 440 # 4, p 440 # 9 , p 441 # 40, p 450 # 14 , p 450 # 27 , p 450 # 39 , p 456 # 11, p 457 # 11, p 458 # 47 .

Homework # 5 (due October 4): p 466 # 2, p 466 # 3, p 466 # 6, p 466 # 13, p 466 # 29 , p 467 # 41, p 471 # 2, p 471 # 3, p 471 # 8 , p 471 # 22, p 471 # 23, p 471 # 38.

Homework # 6 (due October 11): p 475, # 10, p 476, # 13, p 476, # 17 , p 484, # 13, p 485, # 25, p 486, # 33, p 492, # 2, p 492, # 7, p 498, # 22 , p 498, # 24.

Homework # 7 (due October 18): p 508, # 3, p 508, # 6, p 508, # 10, p 508, # 15 , p 509, # 19, p 516, # 8, p 516, # 10, p 516, # 13, p 516, # 17 , p 516, # 26, p 516, # 31, p 517, # 34.

Homework # 8 (due October 25): p 523, # 2, p 523, # 3, p 523, # 7, p 523, # 11, p 524, # 12 , p 532, # 5 , p 532, # 9, p 533, # 11, p 534, # 24, p 534, # 31.

Homework # 9 (due November 1): p 543, # 2, p 543, # 6, p 543, # 11, p 544, # 19, p 555, # 2, p 555, # 6, p 555, # 8,

Homework # 10 (due November 8): p 555 # 28, p 563 # 4 , p 563 # 16, p 573 # 6, p 573 # 16, p 573 # 23, p 573 # 27, p 574 # 39, p 574 # 40 .

Homework # 11 (due November 15): p 574 # 41 , p 579 # 5, p 579 # 6, p 580 # 9, p 580 # 16, p 580 # 22, p 580 # 27, p 580 # 28, p 580 # 31 , p 587 # 1, p 587 # 2.

Homework # 12 (due November 29 ): p 587 # 12, p 587 # 28, p 587 # 32, p 587 # 37, p 588 # 40, p 588 # 45, p 599 # 4, p 599 # 5, p 599 # 7, p 599 # 9 , p 608 # 4, p 608 # 11 , p 608 # 13, p 608 # 18.

Homework # 13 (due December 6): p 609 # 38, p 614 # 6, p 614 # 9, p 614 # 12, p 615 # 17 , p 615 # 22, p 624 # 3, p 624 # 7, p 624 # 8, p 624 # 14, p 624 # 21, p 624 # 22 , p 624 # 25.

Course Outline:

September 5, 7: 7.3. Maxima and Minima, 7.4 Langrange Multipliers and Constrained Optimization
September 10,12,14: 7.5. Least Squares, 7.7. Double Integrals
September 17,19,21: 8.1 Radian Measure, 8.2-8.4 Sine, Cosine and Tangent, Review
September 26,28: 9.1. Integration by Substitution, 9.2. Integration by Parts
October 1,3,5: 9.3-9.4. Evaluation and Approximation of Definite Integrals 9.5. Applications of Integrals, 9.6. Improper Integrals
October 8,10,12: 10.1. Differential Equations, 10.2. Separation of Variables
October 15,17,19: 10.3-10.4. Numerical Solutions and Graphical Solutions to Differential Equations
October 22,24,26: 10.5. Applications of Differential Equations, Review
October 31, November 2: 11.1. Taylor Polynomials, 11.2. The Newton-Raphson Algorithm,
November 5,7,9: 11.3. Inifite Series, 11.4. Series with Positive Terms
November 14,16: 11.5. Taylor Series 12.1. Discrete Random Variables
November 19,21: 12.2. Continuous Random Variables,
November 26,28,30: 12.3. Expected Value and Variance, 12.4. Exponential and Normal Random Variables
December 3,5,7: 12.5. Poission and Normal Random Variables, Review