Math 53 - Section 2 - Multivariable Calculus - Spring 2016

Denis Auroux - MWF 3-4pm, Room 155 Dwinelle

[Announcements] [Textbook] [Grading policy] [Homework] [Exams] [Syllabus] [Resources] [Sections]

Instructor: Denis Auroux (

Office: 817 Evans.
Office hours during RRR week (May 2-6): Monday 10:30-12; Wednesday 2-4:30; Thursday 1-3. Finals week: Monday 10:30-12, Tuesday 10:30-12.

Lectures: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 3-4pm, 155 Dwinelle
Discussion sections: Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, at various times. See list.

Section enrollment/changes are performed through TeleBears. Note: Keep in mind that you will get placed on the waitlist if you try to enroll in a discussion section that is full, and won't get off the waitlist until space opens up in that section. Your position on the discussion waitlist is what will determine your ability to get into the class.



The textbook for this course is: Stewart, Multivariable Calculus: Early Transcendentals for UC Berkeley, 8th edition (ISBN: 978-1-305-75645-8, Cengage).

This is a custom edition containing chapters 10 and 12-16 of Stewart's "Calculus: Early Transcendentals", 8th edition; the regular edition is also fine. The 6th or 7th editions are also acceptable, but you will need to watch for differences in the numbering of assigned homework problems.

Grading and course policy

Weekly homework and quizzes 25%; two midterms 25% each; final exam 25%; the lowest midterm can be dropped and replaced by the final exam grade. There will be no make-up exams. This grading policy allows you to miss one midterm, but check your schedule to make sure you have no conflict for the final exam.

Make sure to read the detailed course policy for important information.


Homework assignments are due each Wednesday in section; they will be posted here.


There will be two midterms, on Wednesday March 2 and Monday April 25 (3-4pm) in the usual lecture room. The final exam will be on Wednesday May 11, 7-10pm, in Wheeler Auditorium (sections 201-210) and 155 Dwinelle (sections 211-216).

Practice exams and solutions to midterms will be posted here. Please note: the practice midterms are longer (70-80 minutes) than the actual midterms (50 minutes, during regular class time). I recommend that you first review the material carefully, and only attempt the practice midterms, with the indicated time limits, once you feel ready. Attempting a practice midterm under conditions that closely replicate an actual exam (closed book, no documents, with time limit) is a good way to prepare, but only works if you already know the material.

Midterm 1 score distribution: the quartiles are 48, 61, 76. (i.e.: 25% of the class got above 76, 25% got between 61 and 76, 25% got between 48 and 61, 25% got below 48). Individual scores and graded papers can be found in Gradescope. A very rough estimate of what this might mean in terms of letter grades: cut-off between A- and B+ = somewhere around 78-80; cut-off between B- and C+ somewhere around 58-60; cut-off between C- and D somewhere around 45.

Midterm 2 score distribution: the quartiles are 42, 59, 75. (i.e.: 25% of the class got above 75, 25% got between 59 and 75, 25% got between 42 and 59, 25% got below 42). Individual scores and graded papers can be found in Gradescope. A very rough estimate of what this might mean in terms of letter grades: cut-off between A- and B+ = somewhere around 78-80; cut-off between B- and C+ somewhere around 56-58; cut-off between C- and D somewhere around 40.

I am aware that midterm 2 was rather long and that many of you may have run out of time. I apologize for this, and will do my best to ensure that there is less time pressure on the final exam.

Remember your lowest midterm score will be dropped and replaced by your final exam score if that one is better; make sure to go over the things you missed, review any concepts that may be giving you trouble.


DateTopics Book
Wed 1/20 Parametric equations § 10.1, 10.2
Fri 1/22 Polar coordinates § 10.3
Mon 1/25 Polar coordinates continued § 10.4
Wed 1/27 Vectors, dot product § 12.1, 12.2, 12.3
Fri 1/29 Dot product continued; determinant § 12.3
Mon 2/1 Cross product § 12.4
Wed 2/3 Equations of lines and planes § 12.5
Fri 2/5 Parametric equations and vector functions § 13.1
Mon 2/8 Velocity, acceleration § 13.2, 13.4
Wed 2/10 Functions of several variables § 14.1
Fri 2/12 Partial derivatives § 14.2, 14.3
Mon 2/15 NO CLASS (Presidents' Day)
Wed 2/17 Tangent plane, linear approximation § 14.4
Fri 2/19 Chain rule § 14.5
Mon 2/22 Gradient, directional derivatives § 14.6
Wed 2/24 Max-min problems § 14.7
Fri 2/26 Max-min problems continued § 14.7
Mon 2/29 Review
Wed 3/2 MIDTERM 1
Fri 3/4 Lagrange multipliers § 14.8
Mon 3/7 Double integrals § 15.1, 15.2
Wed 3/9 Double integrals in polar coordinates § 15.3
Fri 3/11 Applications of double integrals § 15.4
Mon 3/14 Change of variables in double integrals § 15.9
Wed 3/16 Triple integrals § 15.6
Fri 3/18 Triple integrals in cylindrical coordinates; applications § 15.7
3/21-3/25 NO CLASS (Spring Break)
Mon 3/28 Triple integrals in spherical coordinates § 15.8
Wed 3/30 Vector fields § 16.1
Fri 4/1 Line integrals § 16.2
Mon 4/4 Gradient fields, fundamental theorem for line integrals § 16.3
Wed 4/6 Green's theorem § 16.4
Fri 4/8 Curl and divergence, Green's theorem revisited § 16.5
Mon 4/11 Surface area § 16.6
Wed 4/13 Surface integrals and flux § 16.7
Fri 4/15 The divergence theorem § 16.9
Mon 4/18 More about the divergence theorem § 16.9
Wed 4/20 Stokes' theorem § 16.8
Fri 4/22 Review
Mon 4/25 MIDTERM 2
Wed 4/27 Stokes' theorem continued; applications to physics § 16.8
Fri 4/29 Review
Mon 5/2 Optional review (RRR week)
Wed 5/11 FINAL EXAM (7-10pm)

Additional resources

MIT's OpenCourseWare project has a nice set of video lectures for MIT's multivariable calculus class, taught by a familiar instructor. The overall course topics are roughly the same, but they are covered in a different order and not quite in the same manner, so don't use this as a replacement for attending lectures!

Discussion sections

Section TimeRoomInstructore-mailOffice hours
201MWF 8-9am4 Evans Steven Tu 1-3 / 775 Evans
202MWF 8-9am122 Latimer Simon M & Tu 2-3 / 1058 Evans
203MWF 9-10am242 Hearst Gym Steven Tu 1-3 / 775 Evans
204MWF 11-12pm254 Sutardja Dai Andrew Tu 12:30-2:30 / 741 Evans, website
205MWF 10-11am87 Evans Andrew Tu 12:30-2:30 / 741 Evans, website
206MWF 10-11am85 Evans Brandon
207MWF 11-12pm247 Cory Catherine Tu 1-2:30 & F 4:30-6 / 1056 Evans, website
208MWF 11-12pm75 Evans Brandon
209MWF 1-2pm81 Evans Catherine Tu 1-2:30 & F 4:30-6 / 1056 Evans, website
210MWF 1-2pm71 Evans Simon M & Tu 2-3 / 1058 Evans
211MWF 2-3pm210 Wheeler Michael
212MWF 2-3pm109 Wheeler Jeffrey
213MWF 1-2pm200 Wheeler Jeffrey
214MWF 1-2pm20 Wheeler Calvin Tu 3:30-5 & Wed 2-3 / 826 Evans, website
215MWF 4-5pm81 Evans Calvin Tu 3:30-5 & Wed 2-3 / 826 Evans, website
216MWF 4-5pm106 Wheeler Michael