\abstract Let $Pf(x)=-if^\prime(x)$ and $Qf(x) = xf(x)$ be the canonical operators acting on an appropriate common dense domain in $L^2(\Bbb R)$. The derivations $D_P(A)=i(PA - AP)$ and $D_Q(A)=i(QA-AQ)$ act on the $*$-algebra $\Cal A$ of all integral operators having smooth kernels of compact support, for example, and one may consider the noncommutative ``Laplacian" $L=D_P^2 + D_Q^2$ as a linear mapping of $\Cal A$ into itself. $L$ generates a semigroup of normal completely positive linear maps on $\Cal B(L^2(\Bbb R))$, and we establish some basic properties of this semigroup and its minimal dilation to an $E_0$-semigroup. In particular, we show that its minimal dilation is pure, has no normal invariant states, and in section 3 we discuss the significance of those facts for the interaction theory introduced in a previous paper. There are similar results for the canonical commutation relations with $n$ degrees of freedom, $n=2,3,\dots$. \endabstract