Here is a sample final exam topics.
Here is a link to many past exams. Remember though, when you look at these older exams the instructor may have focused on different things and so they may be quite different from mine.
Announcement: Midterm exam 1 is on Friday, July 1, 1-2 pm. No notes, books, calculator. Exam will cover every topic we have covered in class, up through now. Exam will be about 1/2 short answer problems and 1/2 proofs. Questions will be similar to those we have done in class or on homework. Also look at the notes posted online. You should know important definitions and statements/proofs of important results from class. Advice: For computational problems, check your answers! It is important to be fluent with basic definitions. For example, definitions of (a mod m) vs (a congruent to b modulo m).
Here is a sample midterm 1 from another instructor in a previous semester. Here is the solution to the sample midterm 1.
Lecture notes for the first part of our lecture, including chapters 1 and most of chapter 2.