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Introduction to Abstract Algebra (Math 113) Summer 2018 Course Policy
Homework will be assigned weekly. It will be posted on Thursday on this website and will be due in class the following Thursday. Assignments will be graded for completeness and correctness. Two questions will be selected at random for closer scrutiny. You may discuss the homework problems with your classmates, but you must write your solutions on your own. Doing the work yourself is crucial to learning the material properly. Make use of office hours, study groups, etc. if you need assistance, but in the end, you should still write up your own solutions. The homework load for this course is heavy at times, but it is essential for learning the material. Be organized, and don't leave things for the last moment. (You'll struggle to complete the homework assignment if you start on the night before it is due.) Work in small installments, and ask questions during office hours. ExamsThere will be one midterm and a final. The midterm will cover the first half of the course. The final will cover the second half of the course. There will be no make-up exams, unless there are truly exceptional circumstances. I will post practice exams over the semester.
Calculators and notes will NOT be allowed for the exams. To obtain full credit for an exam question, you must obtain the correct answer and give a correct and readable derivation or justification of the answer. Unjustified correct answers will be regarded very suspiciously and will receive little or no credit. I am looking for demonstration that you understand the material. To maximize credit, cross out incorrect work. We will be scanning all exams so you will get them back electronically. After each midterm, there will be a brief window when you can request a regrade. In general, midterm exam grades cannot be changed. The only exception to this is then there has been a clerical error such as a mistake in adding the scores (if this is the case immediately inform me) or if part of the solution has been accidentally overlooked by the grader. Regrade requests may result in a lowering of your grade. As per university policy, final exams cannot be regraded. Disabled students requiring accommodations for exams must submit to the instructor a "letter of accommodation" from the Disabled Students Program at least two weeks in advance. Due to delays in processing, you are encouraged to contact the DSP office before the start of the semester. Cheating is unacceptable. Any student caught cheating will be reported to higher authorities for disciplinary action. GradesGrades are calculated as follows: