Here is a list of the courses I took while an undergraduate at Berkeley.

Fall 2012
UGBA 10: Principles of Business (Robinson)
MATH 54: Linear Algebra & Differential Equations (Grünbaum)
MATH 55: Discrete Mathematics (Haiman)
ESPM 50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management (Spreyer)

Spring 2013
MATH 110: Linear Algebra (Dherin)
MATH 128A: Numerical Analysis (Chorin)
CS 61A: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (Kamil)
UGBA 103: Introduction to Finance (Livdan)

Fall 2013
MATH 126: Partial Differential Equations (Beceanu)
MATH 104: Introduction to Analysis (Liu)
MATH 228A: Numerical Solution of Differential Equations (Persson)
ECON 101B: Economic Theory: Macro (Hawkins/Arnold)

Spring 2014
MATH 185: Introduction to Complex Analysis (Liu)
MATH 228B: Numerical Solution of Differential Equations (Sethian)
STAT 150: Stochastic Processes (Adhikari)
ECON 141: Econometic Analysis (Hobijn)
ECON 138: Financial and Behavioral Economics (Hawkins)

Fall 2014
MATH 113: Introduction to Abstract Algebra (Mann)
MATH 170: Mathematical Methods for Optimization (Strain)
ECON 240A: Econometrics (Jansson/Graham)
PHDBA 239A: Discrete Time Asset Pricing (Gârleanu)

Spring 2015
MATH 118: Fourier Analysis, Wavelets, and Signal Processing (Strain)
MATH 196: Honors Thesis (Goldberg)
ME C180: Engineering Analysis Using the Finite Element Method (Shadden)
EE 227C: Convex Optimization and Approximation (Recht)
ECON 151: Labor Economics (Dube)
ECON 240B: Econometrics (Pouzo/Powell)
MATH 375: Teaching Workshop (Martinez)