* I will try assign about 50 problems a week, 40 of which will have solutions in the book.
* Homework will be graded on a check/check-minus/X system: if you make a serious effort to write something for every problem (if you cannot solve a problem, you should still write a clear, legible explanation of what you tried and where you got stuck), then you will get a check. If you cut some corners, either by writing nothing for some problems or writing too many careless, short solutions, then you will get a check-minus. If you turn in something that you obviously slapped together in 20 minutes, then you will get an X, and no credit for that homework.
* There will be a quiz in discussion every Wednesday. The quiz will usually consist of a single problem (based on the homework) and last 10 minutes, beginning at 4:10pm sharp.
* I will post reading assignments along with homework. It will be easier to follow lecture and do the homework problems if you stay caught up on the assigned reading.
* Email policy: Please try to use my email address only for emergencies. Ask questions during or after section, or come to one of my three office hours.
* The textbook is Calculus & Its Applications, Volume 2: Second Custom Edition for Math 16B, by Goldstein, Lay, Schneider, Asmar. By departmental decree, we will be covering most of it, so consider the table of contents to be my rough course outline. Make sure that you have the correct edition, so that you don't end up doing the wrong homework problems.
* Grading: The final grade will be determined using the following weights: 15% homework, 15% quizzes, 25% midterm, 45% final. I will drop the lowest quiz and the two lowest homeworks.
* There are no make-ups of any kind, so don’t ask for them. If you cannot attend a quiz for whatever reason, that's fine, that's what the drop is there for, but missing the midterm or final will lead to a failing grade or (at best) an incomplete. If there are very special circumstances, such as a medical emergency, send me an email (so I have a record) and come by my office hours.