This post is a toy investigation of the cluster move as a transformation of skeleta. It contains any new ideas. The cluster move should represent the relationship between opposite ends of a continuous process labeled by a one-parameter family of Morse functions whose skeleta transform by a blow-down, blow-up procedure. Arborealization is realized by the blow-up, so …
Author: ericzaslow
Investigating the monodromy of the rank-two sheaf microlocal dual to the complex Lagrangian brane $L = \{y = \pm \sqrt{x}\} \subset T^*\mathbb C_x$, we follow the family $hom_{Fuk}(L,T^*_{x = e^{2\pi i t}}\mathbb C)$ of cochain complexes as $t$ goes from $0$ to $1.$ To compute, we turn our heads and consider that $L = \{ …
If you like quasi-affine schemes over non-Archimedean fields, you’ll love this reference.
Sections 8.3 and 8.4 of this (which were in a book that appeared in my mailbox) are a short (dense) summary of Stokes moduli spaces and their different incarnations. The paper surely has loads of gems, but is about as scattered and unstructured as this blog.
Notes from a talk at Northwestern
I’m uploading this page summarizing a talk I gave. trefoil-hitchin-onepage