Past Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor

Xuwen Zhu

JOB TITLE: Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor

RESEARCH AREA: Mathematical Analysis

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Geometric analysis, microlocal analysis, partial differential equations, mathematical physics

Nicholas Miller

TITLE: Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor

RESEARCH AREA: Geometry/Topology

RESEARCH INTEREST: Hyperbolic geometry, low-dimensional topology

Marius Beceanu

JOB TITLE: Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor

RESEARCH AREA: Mathematical Analysis

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Dispersive PDEs, solitons and scattering

Ludovic Patey

JOB TITLE: Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor

RESEARCH AREA: Mathematical Logic

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Computability theory, reverse mathematics

Lea Beneish

JOB TITLE: Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor


RESEARCH INTERESTS: Number theory, representation theory


On the proportion of locally soluble superelliptic curves. With Christopher Keyes. Rank Jumps and Growth of Shafarevich--Tate Groups for Elliptic Curves in Z/pZ-Extensions. With Debanjana...

Kathryn Mann

JOB TITLE: Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor

RESEARCH AREA: Geometry/Topology

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Geometry, topology, dynamics

Jeff Calder

JOB TITLE: Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor

RESEARCH AREA: Mathematical Analysis, Applied Mathematics

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Partial differential equations, applied probability, image processing and computer vision

Hongbin Sun

JOB TITLE: Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor

RESEARCH AREA: Geometry/Topology

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Low dimensional topology and hyperbolic geometry


NonLERFness of arithmetic hyperbolic manifold groups, preprint, arxiv:math.GT/1608.04816 Joint with Pierre Derbez, Yi Liu and Shicheng Wang, Positive simplicial volume implies virtually positive...

Gang Liu

JOB TITLE: Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor

RESEARCH AREA: Geometry/Topology

RESEARCH INTERESTS: Differential geometry, complex geometry

Dmitry Vaintrob

JOB TITLE: Morrey Visiting Assistant Professor


RESEARCH INTERESTS: Algebraic geometry, mirror symmetry, topology, applications of topological methods to algebraic geometry