Past PhD Students

The first author is the past PhD student. The second author is the official advisor.

Title Author Year Publication type
Some aspects of geometric actions of hyperbolic and relatively hyperbolic groups Eduardo Oregon Reyes; Ian Agol 2023 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Construction of Long-time Solutions for Inviscid Fluid Flows James Rowan; Daniel Tataru 2023 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
A Collection of Results on Nonlinear Dispersive Equations, Banach Lattices and Phase Retrieval Mitchell Taylor; Daniel Tataru 2023 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Correlation functions of the two-periodic weighted Aztec diamond in mesoscopic limit Emily Bain; Nicolai Reshetikhin 2023 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Veering triangulations and pseudo-Anosov flows Chi Cheuk Tsang; Ian Agol 2023 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Saturated de Rham-Witt complexes with unit-root coefficients Ravi Fernando; Martin Olsson 2023 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Robust Optimization of Generalized Eigenvalue Problem for Positive Semi-definite Matrices Jiaming Wang; Ming Gu 2023 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Mean-Field Cooperative Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning: Modelling, Theory, and Algorithms Haotian Gu; Fraydoun Rezakhanlou; Xin Guo 2023 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
New structures on embedded contact homology and applications to low-dimensional topology Luya Wang; Michael Hutchings 2023 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Multigraded Regularity and Betti Numbers on Smooth Projective Toric Varieties Lauren Cranton Heller; David Eisenbud 2023 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
(missing dissertation title) Shuchao Bi; Olga Holtz 2023 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
(missing dissertation title) Justin Bledin 2023 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Planar structure for infinite index subfactors and strongly Markov inclusions of finite von Neumann algebras David Penneys; Vaughan F. R. Jones 2023 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Rigorous Guarantees for Randomized Diagonalization Algorithms Jorge Garza Vargas; Dan-Virgil Voiculescu; Nikhil Srivastava 2022 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Using integrable colored vertex models to study LLT polynomials, super ribbon functions, and domino tilings of the Aztec diamond Andrew Gitlin; Sylvie Corteel 2022 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
High Order Implicit Shock Tracking using an Optimization-Based Discontinuous Galerkin Method Andrew Shi; Matthew Zahr; Per-Olof Persson 2022 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Groups Acting on Products of Trees Nicolas Brody; Ian Agol 2022 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Lower Scalar Curvature Bounds for C0 Metrics and Regularization by Ricci Flow Paula Burkhardt-Guim; Richard Bamler 2022 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Spectrum-Revealing CUR Decomposition Onyebuchi Ekenta; Ming Gu 2022 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)
Singularity Theory for Extended Cobordism Categories and an Application to Graph Theory Kyle Miller; Ian Agol 2022 PhD Thesis (Author field refers to student + advisor)