A Fast Marching Level Set Method for Monotonically Advancing Fronts
J.A. Sethian
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 93, 4, 1996.
We present a fast marching level set method for monotonically advancing
fronts, which leads to an extremely fast scheme for solving the Eikonal
Level set methods are numerical techniques for computing the
position of propagating fronts.
They rely on an initial value partial differential equation for
a propagating level set function, and use techniques borrowed from
hyperbolic conservation laws. Topological
changes, corner and cusp development, and accurate determination of
geometric properties such as curvature and normal direction are
naturally obtained in this setting.
In this paper, we describe a particular case of such methods for
interfaces whose speed depends only on local position.
The technique works by coupling work on entropy conditions for
interface motion, the theory of viscosity solutions for Hamilton-Jacobi
equations and fast adaptive narrow band level set methods.
The technique is applicable to a variety of problems, including
shape-from-shading problems, lithographic development calculations
in microchip manufacturing, and arrival time problems in control theory.
Explanation of Fast Marching Method
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