Other kinds of contact and Floer homology
[1] Floer homology of families I
Algebraic and
Geometric Topology 8 (2008), 435-492. Download. Erratum.
Abstract: In principle, Floer theory can be extended to define
homotopy invariants of families of equivalent objects
(e.g. Hamiltonian isotopic symplectomorphisms, 3-manifolds, Legendrian
knots, etc.) parametrized by a smooth manifold B. The invariant of a
family consists of a filtered chain homotopy type, which gives rise to
a spectral sequence whose E^2 term is the homology of B with twisted
coefficients in the Floer homology of the fibers. This filtered chain
homotopy type also gives rise to a "family Floer homology" to which
the spectral sequence converges. For any particular version of Floer
theory, some analysis needs to be carried out in order to turn this
principle into a theorem. This paper constructs the spectral sequence
in detail for the model case of finite-dimensional Morse homology, and
shows that it recovers the Leray-Serre spectral sequence of a smooth
fiber bundle. We also generalize from Morse homology to Novikov
homology, which involves some additional subtleties.
[2] Cylindrical contact homology for dynamically convex contact forms in three dimensions (with J. Nelson),
Journal of Symplectic Geometry 14 (2016), 983-1012. Almost final version at arxiv:1407.2898. blog post
[3] Symplectic capacities from positive S^1-equivariant symplectic homology (with J. Gutt),
Algebraic and Geometric Topology 18 (2018), 3537-3600. Almost final version at arXiv:1707.06514.
[4] Axiomatic S^1 Morse-Bott theory (with J. Nelson),
Algebraic and Geometric Topology 20 (2020), 1641-1690. Almost final version at arXiv:1711.09996.
[5] S^1-equivariant contact homology for hypertight contact forms (with J. Nelson),
arXiv:1906.03457, to appear in Journal of Topology.
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