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![]() Other Journal Articles Berlekamp, E., 2014, "The Mathematical Legacy of Martin Gardner", Siam News, September 2014, Volume 47, Number 7, pp 4, 7.
Berlekamp, E., 2009, "In Memoriam: the Galetron", in Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 66, Issue 2 (published by Elsevier).
Berlekamp, E., 2003, "Introduction to Solomon W. Golomb" pgs xi-xiii in "Mathematical Properties of Sequences and Other Combinatorial Structures", Jong-Seon No, Hong-Yeop Song, Tor Helleseth, and P. Vijay Kumar, editors. Kluwer Academic Publications Berlekamp, E.R., 2003, "Introduction to Solomon W. Golomb - 70", in "Mathematical Properties of Sequences and Other Combinatorial Structures", edited by No, Song, Helleseth and Kumar, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003.Golomb, S., Berlekamp, E.R., Cover, T.M., Gallager, R.G., Massey, J.L., Viterbi, A.J. 2002, "Claude Elwood Shannon (1916-2001)", Notices of the American Mathematical Society, January 2002, 8-16. Berlekamp, E.R., 2000, "Unimodular Arrays", Computers and Mathematics, 39:77-88 (published by Elsevier). Berlekamp, E.R., 1993, "1993 Shannon Lecture", Information Theory Society Newsletter, 44: 1, 3-6. N.J.A. Sloane 1989, "The Solution To Berlekamp's Switching Game", Discrete Mathematics, 74: 263-290. Berlekamp, E.R., 1986, "If Tennis Players Are Equally Good, Server Has No Advantage", Cyclotomics' Tech memo, September 22, 1986. Berlekamp, E.R., 1984, "Unsolved Problem", Recent Progress on Combinatorics, Academic Press, 1984. Berlekamp, E.R., 1978, Book Review of "The Theory Of Information and Coding: A Mathematical Framework For Communication" by Robert J. McEliece, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, Vol 84, No. 6, pp. 131-1353. Berlekamp, E.R., 1976, "Making Change", Mathematics Magazine, 49:195-198. Berlekamp, E.R., 1976, "Cooperative Bridge Bidding (Corresp.)", IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, IT 22:753-756. Berlekamp, E.R., 1976, "An Analog To The Discriminant Over Fields of Characteristic Two", Journal of Algebra, 38:315-317. Berlekamp, E.R., 1976, "Speedup For The Cray I", Institute For Defense Analysis, Working Paper No. 465
Berlekamp, E.R., 1976, "Merging And Sorting On Cray I", Institute For Defense Analysis, Working Paper No. 464 Berlekamp, E.R., 1976, "Speedup For The CDC 6600", Institute For Defense Analysis, Working Paper No. 463 Berlekamp, E.R., 1975, "The Design of Slowly Shrinking Labelled Squares", Math. of Computation, 29:25-27. Berlekamp, E.R., H.M.Frederickson, and R.C. Proto, 1974, "Minimum Conditions For Uniquely Determining The Generator of A Linear Sequence", Utilitas Mathematica, 5:305-315. Berlekamp, E.R., 1974, "The Hackenbush Number System For The Compression of Numerical Data", Inform. Control, 24:134-140. Berlekamp, E.R., 1973, "Engineering And Public Service", Bridge, Eta Kappa Nu, 69:1-3. Berlekamp, E.R., J.H. Van Lint, and J.J. Seidel, 1973, "A Strongly Regular Graph Derived From The Perfect Ternary Golay Code", Chapter 3 in J.N. Srivastava (ed.), A Survey of Combinatorial Theory, North-Holland/American Elsevier, Amsterdam. Berlekamp, E.R., 1973, Book Review Of "Coding Theory" by J.H. Van Lint, IEEE Trans. Inform Theory, IT 19:138. Berlekamp, E.R., 1973, "An Asymptomatic Expansion For The Quantization Error Of Closely Spaced Uniform Quantizers with Gaussian Input", UCB College of Engineering and Electronic Research Lab, Memo ERL-M381. Berlekamp, E.R., and F.K. Hwang, 1972, Constructions For Balanced Howell Rotations For Bridge Tournaments", J. Combinatorial Theory, 12:159-165. Berlekamp, E.R., 1972, "Factoring Polynomials", pp. 1-7 in F. Hoffman, R.B. Levow, and R.S.D. Thomas (eds.), Proc. of the 3rd Southeastern Conference on Combinatorics, GRAPH THEORY AND COMPUTING, Atlantic Univ., Boca Raton, Florida. Berlekamp, E.R., and R.L. Graham, 1970, "Irregularities In The Distribution of Finite Sequences", J. Number Theory, 2:152161. Berlekamp, E.R., 1970, "Some Mathematical Properties of a Scheme For Reducing The Bandwidth of Motion Pictures By Hadamard Smearing", Bell System Tech. J., 59:979-986. Berlekamp, E.R., 1970, "On Sets of Ternary Vectors Whose Only Linear Dependencies Involve An Odd Number of Vectors", Can. Math. Bull., 13:363-366. Berlekamp, E.R., 1970, "Factoring Polynomials Over Large Finite Fields", Math. of Computation, 24:713-735. Berlekamp, E.R., and D.D. Sullivan, 1970, "Some Results On Normalized Truncation Groups", pp. 1-1-1 in Proc. of the Univ. of Missouri at Rolla M.J. Kelly Communications Conference. Berlekamp, E.R., 1970, "Burst Properties Of Certain Linear Binary Codes", Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc. Murray Hill, NJ, MM70-1216-2, Case 20878-4, January 15, 1970. Berlekamp, E.R., 1969, "On Subsets With Intersections of Even Cardinality", Can. Math. Bull., 12:471-474. Berlekamp, E.R., 1968, "A Construction For Partitions Which Avoid Long Arithmetic Progressions", Can. Math. Bull., 11:409414. Berlekamp, E.R., 1968, "Grundy Functions For Certain Classes of Vines". Tech. memo, Bell Telephone Labs. Berlekamp, E.R., H. Rumsey Jr., and G. Solomon, 1967, "On The Solution of Algebraic Equations Over Finite Fields", Inform. Control,10:553-564. Berlekamp, E.R., 1967, "Factoring Polynomials Over Finite Fields", Bell System Tech. J., 46:1853-1849. Culsam, Hwan, and Eman, Hutch, 1967, "Viet Nam - A Revolutionary New Board Game", Copyright 1967 by E. R. Berlekamp. Berlekamp, E.R., 1966, "Distribution of Cyclic Matrices In A Finite Field:, Duke Math. J., 33:45-48. Berlekamp, E.R., and L. Kleinrock, 1966, "Analysis of Channels With Unidirectional Drift", JPL Space Programs Summary No. 3739, Vol. IV. Berlekamp, E.R., E.N. Gilbert, and F.W. Sinden, 1965, "A Polygon Problem", Am. Math. Monthly, 72:233-241. Berlekamp, E.R., 1963, "Probabilistic Mazes", Bell Telephone Laboratories, Case No. 20878-4, June 20, 1963. | |