Mathematics Statistics Library
100 Evans Hall
University of California, Berkeley

Math 240 Fall 2003      Prof. Alan Weinstein

Library Resources Session

October 14, 2003

12:40 � 2:00 pm

450 C Moffitt Library (UC student ID required for entry to Moffitt)

Directions to Classroom:

Enter Moffitt Library.  Turn right past the security desk. Go up one flight of stairs
Walk to northeast corner of the building to electronic classroom 450C

Ann Jensen � Librarian
100 Evans Hall

Major Resources


The broadest coverage of international mathematics literature from 1940

Created and updated by the American Mathematical Society

Mathematics arXiv

Timely preprints of articles, lecture notes, discussion notes from 1998

Web of Science

Database of citations to research articles in all fields of science from 1945

Zentralblatt MATH

European index duplicates much of what is in MathSciNet, but contains some unique European publications, and early publications from 1931 and 1940.

Library Catalogs

MELVYL - UC Systemwide library collections

GLADIS (telnet) / PATHFINDER (web) UC Berkeley local holdings

Proxy Service

How to configure your browser for full access to licensed resources from off campus.
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