
I work on problems involving continuous limits of discrete probabilistic structures, graph limits, and am interested in applied problems involving networks and analyzing FMRI data of the brain. Here's a link to my data projects on Github


I worked with Balazs Szegedy on Sidorenko's Conjecture using Graph Limits.

Our Paper On the Logorithmic Calculus and Sidorenko's Conjecture

Invited as Speaker

January 2015

AMS Special Session on Limits of Discrete Structures in San Antonio Texas

July 2014

Graph Limits, Groups and Stochastic Processes in Budapest Hungary

Past Conferences and Summer Schools

Summer School in Probability in Vancouver Canada

Summer 2013

Computability in Europe Conference (2013) in Milan Italy.

Ramsey Theory and Infinite Combinatorics Summer School taught by Ted Slaman at the National University of Singapore.

Logic Colloquium in Europe (2013) in Évora Portugal.

Summer 2012

Conference on Graphs and Analysis at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Montreal Second Summer School in Combinatorics

Summer 2011

Conference at Banff International Research Station on Groups, Graphs and Stochastic Processes

Spring School in Leipzig on Limits of Finite Graphs

Programme in Discrete Analysis at the Newton Institute in Cambridge

Summer 2010

DIMAP workshop on Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics