Articles on the Common Core Mathematics Standards
General and Professional Development
The impact of Common Core Standards on the mathematics education of teachers
(For mathematicians and education researchers) (April 29, 2011)
General and Professional Development
What is different about the Common Core Mathematics Standards?
(For teachers and educators) (June 20, 2011)
General and Professional Development
The Common Core Mathematics Standards: Implications for Administrators
(For teachers and administrators) (June 22, 2011)
Syllabi of High School Courses According to the Common Core Standards
(For high school teachers and adminstrators) (August 5, 2011)
Teaching Fractions According to the Common Core Standards
(For teachers of K-8 and educators) (August 5, 2011; revised February 8, 2014)
General and Curriculum
Bringing the Common Core State Mathematics Standards to Life
American Educator, Fall 2011, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 3-13.
Also at
Dialog with Rick Hess on the Common Core Mathematics Standards
(For general audience) (October 29, 2011)
General and Professional Development
Professional development and Textbook school mathematics
(For mathematicians and education researchers) (October 29, 2011; revised, December 9, 2011)
Assessment and Curriculum
Assessment for the Common Core Mathematics Standards
(For educators and policy makers) Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College, Spring-Summer 2012, 6-18.
To Accelerate or not
(For general audience) Huffington Post, September 20, 2012.
How good are the Common Core Mathematics Standards?
(For policy makers and teachers) (October 30, 2012)
Teaching Geometry According to the Common Core Standards
(For teachers of grades 4-12 and educators) (January 1, 2012. Third revision: October 10, 2013)
Teaching Geometry in Grade 8 and High School According to the Common Core Standards
(For teachers of grades 8-12 and educators) (October 13, 2013)
General (with Edward Frenkel) Common Core Standards for Mathematics: The Real Issues, Huffington Post, October 10, 2013.
Curriculum and Professional Development
Potential impact of the Common Core Mathematics Standards on the American Curriculum (For mathematicians and education researchers) (in Mathematics Curriculum in School Education, Y. Li and G. Lappan (eds.), Springer, Dordrecht, 2014, pp. 119-142.)
Curriculum and Professional Development
Preparing mathematics teachers: How can we do better? (For mathematicians, education researchers, and teachers) (May 1, 2014)
Curriculum and Professional Development
Mathematical preparation of teachers (For mathematicians, education researchers, and teachers) (May 5, 2014)
General and Professional Development
Textbook School Mathematics and the preparation of mathematics teachers
(For education researchers and teachers) (January 2, 2015)
General and Professional Development
What do the Standards for Mathematical Practice mean?
(For teachers and mathematics educators) (October 6, 2015)
General and Professional Development
What do teachers need to know to teach mathematics well?
(For policy makers and teachers) (October 9, 2015)
General and Professional Development
Preface and Teaching Geometry from Pre-Algebra
(For policy makers and teachers) (August 25, 2016)
General and Professional Development
Preface of Algebra
(For policy makers and teachers) (August 25, 2016)
Articles on Mathematics Education in General
The role of open-ended problems in mathematics education
(J. Math. Behavior 13(1994), 115-128)
Invited Comments on the NCTM Standards
The mathematician and the mathematics education reform
(Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 43(1996), 1531-1537)
Profesional Development
On the education of mathematics teachers
(For mathematicians and education researchers) (formerly entitled: On the training of mathematics teachers) (1997)
The Mathematics Education Reform: Why you should be concerned and what
you can do
(Amer. Math. Monthly 104(1997), 946-954)
The Mathematics education reform: What is it and why should you
care ? (1998)
Professional Development
Teaching fractions in elementary school:
A manual for teachers
(March 1998)
Professional Development
On the education of mathematics majors
(For mathematicians and education researchers)
(Contemporary Issues in Mathematics
Education, edited by E. Gavosto, S. G. Krantz, and W. G. McCallum,
MSRI Publications, Volume 36, Cambridge University Press, 1999, 9-23)
Professional Development and General
The joy of lecturing--With a critique of the romantic tradition of
education writing
(Appendix to How to Teach Mathematics
by S.G. Krantz, 2nd edition, Amer. Math. Soc. 1999, pp. 261-271)
Professional Development
Preservice professional development of
mathematics teachers
(For mathematicians and education researchers) (March 1999)
The isoperimetric inequality: The algebraic viewpoint
(April 1999)
Mathematics Standards: A new direction for California
(Address in the Northridge Conference, May 21, 1999)
Curriculum and Professional Development
Some remarks on the teaching of fractions in elementary school
(October 1999)
General and Curriculum
Basic skills versus conceptual understanding: A bogus dichotomy in
mathematics education American Educator, Fall 1999, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp.
14--19, 50-52.
Also at
The 1997 mathematics standards war in California
(What is at Stake in the K-12 Standards Wars:
A Primer for Educational Policy Makers,
Sandra Stotsky, ed., Peter Lang Publishers, NY, 2000. Pp. 3-31.)
Review of the Interactive Mathematics Program (IMP)
(March 2000)
Professional Development and Curriculum
Chapter 1: Whole Numbers (Draft) (July 15, 2000; REVISED September 1, 2002)
[A completely revised version of this document has appeared as Part 1 of the book, Understanding Numbers in Elementary School Mathematics, Amer. Math. Soc., 2011.]
Professional Development and Curriculum
Chapter 2: Fractions (Draft) (June 20, 2001; REVISED September 3, 2002)
[A completely revised version of this document has appeared as Part 2 of the book, Understanding Numbers in Elementary School Mathematics, Amer. Math. Soc., 2011.]
On the learning of algebra (January, 2001)
Professional Development and Curriculum
How to prepare students for algebra (For teachers of grades 5-8), American Educator, Summer 2001, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 10-17.
Also at
Professional Development and Curriculum
What is so difficult about the preparation of mathematics teachers?
(For educators and mathematicians) (November 29, 2001; REVISED March 6, 2002)
Also in
Professional Development (with Mary Burmester)
Some lessons from California
(November 29, 2001; Revised, May 25, 2004 )
Topics in Pre-Calculus: Functions, graphs, and basic mensuration formulas
(June 15, 2003)
``Order of operations" and other oddities in school mathematics
(April 7, 2004: Revised, June 1, 2004)
Professional Development
Geometry: Our Cultural Heritage -- A Book Review
(Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 51 (2004), 529-537)
Professional Development and General
Must Content Dictate Pedagogy in Mathematics Education?
(For educators and mathematicians) (February 1, 2005; second revision May 23, 2005)
Curriculum and General
Key mathematical ideas in grades 5-8
(September 12, 2005; presentation at the 2005 NCTM Annual Meeting, April, 2005)
Professional Development
Professional Development: The Hard Work of Learning Mathematics
(For educators and mathematicians) (June 18, 2006; revised November 18, 2006)
How mathematicians can contribute to K-12 mathematics education,
Proceedings of International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid 2006, Volume III, European Mathematical Society, Zuerich, 2006, 1676-1688.
What is mathematics education?
(Plenary address at the NCTM Annual Meeting, March 23, 2007) (June 2, 2007)
Professional Development and Curriculum
Fractions, decimals, and rational numbers
(For education researchers and K-8 teachers) (February 29, 2008; revised, June 1, 2014.)
Curriculum (with Wilfried Schmid)
The major topics of school algebra (March 31, 2008)
Professional Development
The mathematics K-12 teachers need to know
(LONG VERSION; for educators and teachers) (December 17, 2008)
The critical foundations of algebra
(February 3, 2009)
From arithmetic to algebra
(February 23, 2009)
General and Professional Development
What's sophisticated about elementary mathematics?
American Educator, Fall 2009, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 4-14.
Also at
Professional Development
Learning algebra
(For teachers of grades 5-8)
(October 22, 2009)
Curriculum and Professional Development
Euclid and high school geometry
(For high school teachers and mathematicians) (February 2, 2010)
Curriculum and Professional Development
The mathematics school teachers should know
(For a general audience) (February 2, 2010)
What is school mathematics?
(For educators and mathematicians) (February 2, 2010)
Professional Development
(Draft of textbook for teachers of grades 6-8) (April 21, 2010)
General and Professional Development
Teaching fractions: is it poetry or mathematics?
(For educators and professional developers) (April 26, 2010)
Professional Development and Curriculum
Introduction to School Algebra
(Draft of textbook for teachers of grades 6-8) (August 14, 2010)
General and Professional Development
The Mis-Education of Mathematics Teachers
(For mathematicians and education researchers) (Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 58 (2011), 372-384.)
Mathematics K-12: Crisis in Education (Interview with Wu Hung-Hsi by Leong Yu Kiang)
Mathematical Medley Vol. 38, No. 1, June 2012, pp 2 - 15
General and Professional Development
The mathematics early grade teachers need to know---and what it means to know it
(For elementary teachers and educators) (December 14,
2013; revised, April 26, 2014)
General and Professional Development
Building better mathematics teachers
(For educators and general audience) (December 23, 2014)
Curriculum and Professional Development
The Content Knowledge Mathematics Teachers Need
(For teachers and education researchers)
(in Mathematics Matters in Education , Y. Li, W. J. Lewis, and J. Madden (Eds.)
Springer, Dordrecht, (2018), pp. 43-91
Curriculum and Professional Development
Executive summary of Chapter 16, "Some remarks on the preparation of mathematics teachers in China"
(For teachers and education researchers)
(in How Chinese Acquire and Improve Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching. Y. Li and R. Huang (Eds.)
Brill | Sense, Leiden-Boston, (2018), pp. 289-304)
From arithmetic to algebra, Part 1 and Part 2
(For education researchers and teachers) (December 20, 2018)
What can we do about our dysfunctional school mathematics curriculum?
(For education researchers and teachers) (August 30, 2020)
General and Professional Development
Misconceptions about the long division algorithm in school mathematics
(For teachers and education researchers)
(in Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College, Volume 11, Issue 2, Fall 2020, pp. 1-12)
General and Professional Development
Inservice mathematics professional development: The hard work of learning mathematics
(For teachers and education researchers) (in Developing Mathematical Proficiency for Elementary Instruction, Y. Li, R.E. Howe, W.J. Lewis, and J.J. Madden (eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2021, 239-288.)
General and Curriculum
Teaching school mathematics to prospective teachers
(For teachers and education researchers)
(in European Mathematical Society Magazine, 122 (2021), 39–45)
General and Curriculum
Learnable and unlearnable school mathematics
(For education researchers and teachers) (January 27, 2022)
Curriculum A coherent algebra framework (9:54 minutes), 2008.
Professional Development What algebra teachers need to know (5:46 minutes), 2008.
Professional Development Fraction Multiplication: Part 1 (MPDI 2012) (11:25 minutes), July 2012.
Professional Development Fraction Multiplication: Part 2 (MPDI 2012) (12:36 minutes), July 2012.
Professional Development Fraction Multiplication: Part 3 (MPDI 2012) (10:55 minutes), July 2012.
Professional Development Fraction Multiplication: Part 4 (MPDI 2012) (12:10 minutes), July 2012.
Professional Development Fraction Multiplication: Part 5 (MPDI 2012) (8:11 minutes), July 2012.
Professional Development On integrating algebra and geometry in secondary school mathematics (2:00:42 hours), July 2016. Here are the slides for the video presentation .
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Hung-Hsi Wu