The random Arnold Conjecture: a new probabilistic Conley-Zehnder Theory for symplectic maps (with Alvaro Pelayo), to appear in Commun. Math. Phys.
Kinetic Description of Scalar Conservation Laws with Markovian Data
A Kinetic Approach to Burgers Equation with White Noise Initial Data (with Mehdi Ouaki)
Hamiltonian ODE, Homogenization, and Symplectic Topology , to appear in volume 72 of MSRI Book Series.
Scaling Limit of Small Random Perturbation of Dynamical Systems (with Insuk Seo), Ann. Inst. H. Poincare-Probabilites et Statistiques, vol 59, 869--903 (2023)
Random Tessellations and Gibbsian Solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi Equations (with Mehdi Ouaki)Commun. Math. Phys. vol 394, 409--470 (2022).
Kinetic statistics of scalar conservation laws with piecewise-deterministic Markov process data (with Dave Kaspar) Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. Volume 1, 259--298 (2020).
Stochastic Solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi Equations . In ``Stochastic Dynamics Out of Equilibrium,'' Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 282, 206-238 (2019).
Metastability of Zero Range Processes via Poisson Equations
Optimal Transport Problems For Contact Structures .
Regular Flows for Diffusions with Rough Drifts .
The Poincare--Birkhoff Theorem in Random Dynamics (with A. Pelayo) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Volume 370, 601-639 (2018).
Scalar conservation laws with monotone pure-jump Markov initial conditions (with Dave Kaspar) Probab. Theory and Related Fields. volume 165, 867-899 (2016).
Stochastically Symplectic Maps and Their Applications to Navier-Stokes Equation . Ann. Inst. H. Poincare-Anal. Non Lineaire, Volume 33, 1--22 (2016).
Pointwise Bounds for the Solutions of the Smoluchowski Equation with Diffusion,. Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 212, 1011--1035 (2014).
Gelation for Marcus-Lushnikov Process. This paper (without Section 5) appeared in Annals of Probability, Volume 41, 1806-1830 (2013).
Moment Bounds for the Solutions of the Smoluchowski Equation with Coagulation and Fragmentation, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Volume 140A, 1041-1059 (2010)
A Prelude to the Theory of Random Walks in Random Environments, Bulletin of IMS, Volume 37, No. 2, 5-20 (2011).
Equilibrium Fluctuations for a Model of Coagulating-Fragmenting planar Brownian Particles, Commun. Math. Phys. Volume 296, 769-826, (2010)
Coagulation, Diffusion and the Continuous Smoluchowski Equation, Stochastic Process. Appl. Volume 119, 3042-3080 , (2009)
Moment bounds for the Smoluchowski equation and their consequences, Commun. Math. Phys. Volume 276, 645-670, (2007)
The kinetic limit of a system of coagulating Brownian particles (with Alan Hammond) Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. Volume 185, 1-67, (2007)
Boltzmann-Grad limits for stochastic hard sphere models Comm. Math. Phys. Volume 284, 555-637 (2004)
Lectures on Symplectic Geometry.
Lectures on Dynamical Systems, part I , part II .
Hamiltonian ODE, Homogenization, and Symplectic Topology.
Lectures on Large Deviation Principle.
Stochastic Growth and KPZ Equation.
Mathematical Methods in Physical Sciences.
Growth Models and Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs.
Boltzmann-Grad Limit for Hard Sphere Model.
Equilibrium Fluctuations for Coagulating-Fragmenting Brownian Particles.
Coagulating Brownian Particles, Gelation and Smoluchowski Equation
Kinetic Theory for Hamiton-Jacobi PDE
Kinetic Description for Hamilton-Jacobi Equation: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV,
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