Representation Theory, Geometry and Combinatorics Joint Seminar
Spring 2010

Organizers: Mark Haiman and Kolya Reshetikhin

Time and place: Wednesdays 4:00-6:00pm, 939 Evans

Course Control Number: 54821

Subject matter: Current research and special topics in representation theory, geometry and combinatorics and their interactions.


20 Mike Eastwood (Australian National Univ., Canberra) Short course on Representation theory and the X-ray transform, I, II
27 Mike Eastwood (Australian National Univ., Canberra) Short course on Representation theory and the X-ray transform, III, IV
3 (open)
10 (open)
17 (open)
24 (open)
3 (open)
10 (open)
17 (open)
24 No Seminar (Spring vacation)
31 (open)
7 Maxim Zabzine (Uppsala) Odd Chern-Simons theory, characteristic classes and knots
14 Ivan Shestakov (IME-USP, São Paolo)
A. Yu. Volkov (Steklov Math. Inst., St. Petersburg)
Nonassociative Lie Theory
On the Periodicity Conjecture for Y-systems
21 Shenghao Sun (UCB) Decomposition theorem for stacks
28 Milen Yakimov (Louisiana State) Spectra of quantum Schubert cells
5 (open)
12 (open—Exam week)

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