Preprints, Publications, and Manuscripts
Michael Christ
This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under various grants. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Expository articles:

Modulation invariant and multilinear singular  integral operators (after Lacey and Thiele), Seminaire Bourbaki 962, June 2006
(first 2 pages are blank) pdf (figures are missing), postscript
(with A. Kiselev)
One-dimensional Schrodinger operators with slowly decaying potentials: spectra and asymptotics

(or: Baby Fourier analysis meets toy quantum mechanics) 
[Lecture notes for the 2002 University of Arkansas Spring lecture series. This is an expository account of work on one-dimensional Schrodinger operators.]
(postscript file)    (pdf file)
(with A. Kiselev) One-dimensional Schrodinger operators and nonlinear Fourier analysis  (postscript file)
Counting to L^p, lecture notes for the Instructional Conference on Combinatorial Aspects of Mathematical Analysis, ICMS, Edinburgh, April 1-2,  2002. (postscript)


Bounds for multilinear sublevel sets (revised October 2008)
Lebesgue space bounds for one-dimensional generalized Radon transforms (September 2008)
Quasi-extremals for a Radon-like transform (September 2008)
Nonuniqueness of generalized solutions of the Navier-Stokes equation (pdf)
(with J. Bennett, A. Carbery, and T. Tao), Finite bounds for Holder-Brascamp-Lieb multilinear inequalities (pdf)

A remark on sums of squares of complex vector fields (math.CV/0503506)
Nonuniqueness of weak solutions of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation
On multilinear oscillatory integrals (abstract of Oberwohlfach meeting lecture, pdf)
Illposedness of a Schrodinger equation with derivative nonlinearity (postscript)
(with J. Colliander and T. Tao) Instability of the periodic nonlinear Schrodinger equation (postscript)
(with J. Colliander and T. Tao) Ill-posedness for nonlinear Schrodinger and wave equations (postscript)
Analytic Hypoellipticity in Dimension Two  (pdf file; preprint)

Already in print:

Power series solution of a nonlinear Schrodinger equation (math.AP/0503368)
(with J. Colliander and T. Tao) A priori bounds and weak solutions for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation in Sobolev spaces of negative order
(with X. Li, T. Tao and C. Thiele) On multilinear oscillatory integrals, singular and nonsingular (Duke Math. J.; pdf)

(with A. Seeger) Necessary conditions for vector-valued operator inequalities in harmonic analysis (math.CA/0504030; pdf)
Commentary on two papers of A. P. Calderon (June 2, 2005; pdf)
(with B. Erdogan) Mixed norm estimates for certain generalized Radon transforms
(with S. Fu) Compactness in the d-bar Neumann problem, magnetic Schrodinger operators, and the Aharonov-Bohm effect (Advances in Math. 197 (2005), 1-40)
(with J. Colliander and T. Tao) Asymptotics, frequency modulation, and low regularity ill-posedness for canonical defocusing equations
(Amer. J. Math. 125 (2003),  125  (2003),  no. 6, 1235--1293; math.AP/0203044. postscript file)
(with A. Kiselev) Absolutely continuous spectrum of Stark operators
(Ark. Mat. 41 (2003), 1-31; postscript file)
Slow off-diagonal decay for Szego kernels associated to smooth Hermitian line bundles
(Contemporary Math. 320 (2003), 77-89; postscript)
(with A. Kiselev) Scattering and wave operators for one-dimensional Schrodinger operators with slowly decaying nonsmooth potentials
(GAFA 12 (2002), 1174-1234)
(with B. Erdogan)  Mixed norm estimates for a restricted X-ray transform
(Journal d'Analyse 87 (2002), 187-198, postscript file)
 Hypoellipticity of the Kohn Laplacian for three-dimensional tubular CR structures
(Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 1 (2) (2002) 279-291; pdf file)
Spiraling and nonhypoellipticity for CR structures degenerate along transverse real curves
(in Complex Analysis and Geometry, De Gruyter; pdf file)
Hypoellipticity in the Infinitely Degenerate Regime
(in Complex Analysis and Geometry, De Gruyter; pdf file)
(with A. Kiselev) WKB and spectral analysis of one-dimensional Schrodinger operators with slowly varying potentials
(Comm. Math. Phys. 218 (2001), 245-262; dvi file)
(with Michael Goldberg) Vector A_2 weights and a Hardy-Littlewood maximal function
(Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 353 (2001), 1995-2002; dvi file)
On certain elementary trilinear operators
(Math. Research Letters 8 (2001), 43-56) (see also transparencies )
(with A. Kiselev) Maximal functions associated to filtrations
(J. Funct. Anal. 179 (2001); postscript file)
(with A. Kiselev) WKB asymptotics of generalized eigenfunctions of one-dimensional Schrodinger operators
(J. Funct. Anal. 179 (2001); postscript file)
 Hypoellipticity: Geometrization and Speculation
(pdf file; Progress in Mathematics, vol. 188, pp. 91-109)
(with A. Kiselev and Y. Last) Approximate eigenvectors and spectral theory
(postscript file; in Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics,
edited by R. Weikard and G. Weinstein, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, June 2000.)
Convolution, Curvature, and Combinatorics. A Case Study
(postscript file; Internat. Math. Research Notices 19 (1998))
(with A. Carbery and J. Wright)Multidimensional van der Corput and Sublevel Set Estimates
(pdf file) (Journal Amer. Math. Soc., 1999)
Global Irregularity of the d-bar Neumann Problem For Worm Domains  (pdf file)
A T(b) theorem with remarks on analytic capacity  (Colloq. Math. 50/51(1990), 601-628 ) (ps file)
    (There are some TeX glitches but the manuscript is readable.)

Transparencies from lectures:

(with J. Colliander and T. Tao) An a priori inequalityand weak solutions for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation (Berkeley-Paris Nord-Bonn PDE seminar, November 15, 2006)
Radon-like transforms, quasi-extremals, and (perhaps) subalgebraic sets (BIRS workshop, September 2005)
Existence and nonuniqueness for a nonlinear Schrodinger equation (MSRI workshop, August 2005)
Multilinear oscillatory integrals (November 2003, postscript)
The d-bar Neumann problem, magnetic Schrodinger operators, and the Aharonov-Bohm effect (April 2003; postscript)

Convergence of Fourier series: An ancient problem thrives in the modern world (postscript; transparencies for 10/28/2002 UCB lecture)
(hand-drawn illustrations not included)
Three remarks on degenerate Kohn Laplacians (postscript file; lecture given at conference in honor of R. Gunning and J. J. Kohn)
Cauchy-Riemann equations, magnetic Schrodinger operators, and long-range correlations of random zeros (postscript file, revised January 2002)
On the simplest trilinear operators (postscript file; transparencies for lecture June 27, 2001 at Mt. Holyoke SRC conference)
Convolution, Curvature, and Counting   (pdf file; transparencies for lecture at 1998 Kiel ICM satellite conference)
 On the eigenfunctions and spectra of one-dimensional Schrodinger operators with slowly decaying potentials
(postscript file; transparencies for lecture November 6, 2000)