Kieren James-Lubin
Office: 1006 Evans Hall
Email: ksjames[at]math[dot]berkeley[dot]edu
I am a third-year graduate student at UC-Berkeley, working in mathematical physics. My advisor is
Nicolai Reshetikhin. I'm broadly interested in statistical mechanics. I focus on quantum many body systems, sampling methods and on applying some of the ideas of statistical mechanics to other fields. I passed my qualifying exam in April 2014.
I'm co-chairing an upcoming O'Reilly Media Conference, called:
An O'Reilly Radar Summit: Bitcoin & the Blockchain Realities, Risks, Rewards
The one-day, one-track conference kicks off January 27th at Ft. Mason in San Francisco.
I'm directing a 501(c)3 research group focused on the academic study of Cryptocurrencies called the Cryptocurrency Research Group (CCRG). Stay tuned for news on the CCRG!
I have a
blog with some informal (but technical) posts on Cryptocurrency stuff.