Errata and addenda to version 3.0 of An Invitation to General Algebra and Universal Constructions.

P.6, 3rd paragraph.  I say that Edition/Printing 2.4 is accessible from my website; but the link on my home page now points to a page on the latest Edition/Printing, 3.0.  However, there is also a link there, in the parenthetical second paragraph, to the old page about Edition/Printing 2.4

P.13, next-to-last line:  μ and ι  should be  μ, ι, and e

P.29, 2nd line of last paragraph: for  the preceding section  read  §2.2

P.37: Add to end of parenthetical explanation before first diagram:  The symbol  ∃1  (or ∃!)  is a common shorthand for "there exists a unique". 

P.42, line before  Exercise 3.3:11  add:  (In part (ii) below, note that  Z  is a common notation in group theory for the infinite cyclic group.  The similarity to blackboard-bold  Z  as a symbol for the integers is a coincidence:  the latter is based on German Zahl, meaning "number", the group-theoretic symbol on zyklisch, meaning "cyclic".  Although the additive group of integers is an infinite cyclic group, a group denoted  Z  can either be written additively, or multiplicatively, e.g. as  {xi | iZ}.  The finite cyclic group of order  n  is likewise denoted  Zn.) 

P.66, after Exercise 3.10.7 add:

Exercise 3.10.7½  (i) Find a normal form for the monoid presented by two generators  a, b,  and the one relation  abba = baab.  (This is hard, but can be done.) 
(ii) (Victor Maltcev)  Does there exist a normal form or other useful description for the monoid presented by  a, b  and the one relation  abbab = baabb ?  (I do not know the answer.) 

P.66, sentence before the diagram:  the product  should be  the direct product

P.77, line 4:  1S ⊗ T  should be  1S ⊗ t . 

Pp.126-127.  In the 2nd paragraph of section 4.6, both occurrences of  α  should be  γ;  and the same is true in the second paragraph of the next page.   (But the other occurrences of  α  on these pages are correct.)  Also, on the 3rd-from-last line of p.126, where I say  indexed by  α,  clearer wording would be  indexed by an ordinal  α

P.145, 2nd line after Definition 5.2.2:  all subsets  should be  all nonempty subsets

P.164, Example 5.5.8, end of 4th line:  S = M =  should just be  S = . 

P.178, about an inch from the bottom:  There is a diagram consisting of a circle, a dot on its left side, and a small solid triangle.  That triangle is supposed to be an arrowhead, indicating that the circle is an arrow beginning and ending at the dot; but somehow it got placed badly. 

P.205, Exercise 6.7:9(v):  Where I have  is not true for the general case of a category and a full subcategory,  a clearer wording would be  does not remain true if  Ring1  and  CommRing1  are replaced by an arbitrary category and an arbitrary full subcategory thereof.

P.207, Exercise 6.7:11:  Add
(iii)  Can you find a set-theoretic criterion for a morphism in  RelSet  to be a monomorphism or an epimorphism in that category?  To be left or right invertible? 

P.209, Exercise 6.7:17(i):  Where I have  Cemb taken to consist of all monomorphisms of  C,  a clearer wording would be  Cemb(X,Y)  the set of all monomorphisms in  C(X,Y). 

P.224, last line:  IdC  should be  IdSet.

P.227, Exercise 6.9:14:  Add at the end the words:  (including the part described as "straightforward")

P.230, 2nd diagram:  U  should be  V

P.232, 6th line above display:  bicontinuous  should be  continuous.  (I had somehow gotten the idea that "bicontinuous" meant "continuous as a function on the direct product space, and not just in each variable separately"; but it actually means "continuous, and having a continuous inverse", which is not in general the case here.) 

P.239, end of Exercise 7.2:5:  before  on all sets  insert the words  with respect to  U

P.278, beginning of line 2:  Δ(C)  should be  Δ(C)

P.278, 2nd line of Exercise 7.8:1:  left and adjoint  should be  left and right adjoint

P.300, First line of last paragraph:  because  C = D  should be  because  U = V  and  F = G

P.306, Definition 8.1.4, first word of 6th line:  operation  should be  operations

P.310, Exercise 8.1:6, first line of part (iii):  ascending chain  should be  ascending chain condition

P.315, proof of Theorem 8.3.3:  In the first line of the proof, and in the expressions  (u,x)  in the first line of each of the displays, replace  u  by  *.  In particular, the formula  u(x) = (u,x)  becomes  u(x) = (*,x).  This avoids using the same symbol for two things, the arbitrary element chosen in the first sentence, and the function  u  it is used to define. 

P.324, before Corollary 8.4.9, insert:  REMARK 8.4.8½.  If we consider classes of algebras defined by sorts of propositions more general than identities, involving logical operators such as  ∃,  ⇒,  and  ∨  (for instance, torsion-free groups, and integral domains, both mentioned above, divisible groups, which were considered in Exercise 6.7:5, and fields, cf. Exercise 2.3:3), we find, in general, that one or more of the statements of Proposition 8.4.8 fail.  This is why we stated in Chapter 1 that it was "better" to define the concept of group using three operations and the identities (1.2.1), than using just one operation, and the more general conditions (1.2.2).  Of course, it is also worthwhile studying what results are true of classes of algebras defined by other sorts of propositions.  But varieties form a broad, useful, and well-behaved class, which we will focus on in this course. 
    The parts of the above proposition saying that certain constructions have the same form in  V  as in  Ω-Alg,  together with some earlier results yield:  

P.328, next-to-last line of Lemma 8.4.16:  the applies  should be  that applies

P.343, after the exercise at the top of the page, add
(The result that  η(L): L → B(E(L))  is one-to-one is actually known to hold for a much wider class of Lie algebras than those that are free as k-modules; but there are also examples for which it fails.  See P.M.Cohn, A remark on the Birkhoff-Witt theorem, J. London Math. Soc., 38 (1963) 197-203.  MR 26#6233.) 

P.350, Definition 8.9.1:  In the last display in that definition, in the label of the first arrow, the final term,  tn−1  should be  tm−1.  (I.e., the arrow is given by an m-tuple of n-ary operations, not by an n-tuple.) 

P.353, Definition 8.9.5, final parenthetical paragraph:  Replace all occurrences of  γ0  by  γ1,  and both occurrences of  ≤γ0  by  1.  Likewise, on p.354, in the last two lines of Definition 8.9.7, all occurrences of  γ0  should be replaced by  γ1

P.368, last line:  after the symbol  δij  you might add:  (i.e.,  1  if  i = j,  0  if  i ≠ j).

P.373, first line of Lemma 9.2:8(iii):  the symbols  Clβ  and Cl1  should be Clβ  and Cl1.  I.e.,  Cl  should not be italic in these symbols; cf. p.354, first sentence of Definition 8.9:7. 

P.376, Definition 9.3.4, near end of first line of (iii):  ≤ γ  should be  < γ

P.379, 5th line of paragraph before the multi-arrow diagram:  of  S  should be  of  A

P.422, end of last paragraph, add:  Below, when the prefix "Ab" is added to the name of a variety whose type involves one binary operation, the result will denote the subvariety determined by the additional identity of commutativity for that operation.

Pp.427-455: In the Word and Phrase Index, the Symbol Index, and the Exercise Index, most items after around p.60 (and some items shortly before that page) are shown with page-number too large by 1; so in looking for such an item, try the page before the one listed.  (This probably means that I forgot to re-run the software that creates those indices after making some nontrivial changes around p.60.  On the other hand, the Table of Contents (pp.iv-vii), and the page-references given in pointy brackets for the items in the Bibliography (pp.456-461) appear to be correct.) 

P.453: in the description of Exercise 7.4:5  Aut(...)  should be  End(...)

P.459, reference  [80].  The author's first name should be  Philip  (with just one l).