Links to Edward Frenkel's recent papers

An analytic version of the Langlands correspondence for complex curves

Is there an analytic theory of automorphic functions for complex algebraic curves?

Quantum Langlands Duality of Representations of W-algebras

Quantum Langlands dualities of boundary conditions, D-modules, and conformal blocks

Quantum q-Langlands Correspondence

Baxter's Relations and Spectra of Quantum Integrable Models

Geometric Langlands Correspondence Near Opers

The Langlands Program, Trace Formulas, and their Geometrization

Geometrization of Trace Formulas

Formule des Traces et Fonctorialite: le Debut d'un Programme

Soliton equations, vertex operators, and simple singularities

Gauge Theory and Langlands Duality

Gromov-Witten Gauge Theory I

Langlands duality for finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras

A rigid irregular connection on the projective line

Any flat bundle on a punctured disc has an oper structure

Gerbal Representations of Double Loop Groups

Langlands duality for representations of quantum groups

Instantons beyond topological theory II

On the endomorphisms of Weyl modules over affine Kac-Moody algebras at the critical level

Opers with irregular singularity and spectra of the shift of argument subalgebra

D-modules on the affine flag variety and representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras

Local Geometric Langlands Correspondence: the Spherical Case

Geometric Endoscopy and Mirror Symmetry

Weyl modules and opers without monodromy

Quantization of soliton systems and Langlands duality

Notes on instantons in topological field theory and beyond

Gaudin models with irregular singularities

Ramifications of the geometric Langlands Program

Instantons beyond topological theory I

Geometric realizations of Wakimoto modules at the critical level

Localization of g^-modules on the affine Grassmannian

Lectures on the Langlands Program and Conformal Field Theory

Fusion and convolution: applications to affine Kac-Moody algebras at the critical level

Local geometric Langlands correspondence and affine Kac-Moody algebras

Mirror symmetry in two steps: A-I-B

Gaudin model and opers

Self-extensions of Verma modules and differential forms on opers

Opers on the projective line, flag manifolds and Bethe Ansatz

Chiral de Rham Complex and Orbifolds

Affine Kac-Moody algebras, integrable systems and their deformations

D-modules on the affine Grassmannian and representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras

Recent Advances in the Langlands Program

Geometric Realization of the Segal-Sugawara Construction

Lectures on Wakimoto modules, opers and the center at the critical level

Twisted Modules over Vertex Algebras on Algebraic Curves

The Hopf algebra $Rep U_q \hat{gl}_\infty$

The q-characters at roots of unity

On the geometric Langlands conjecture

Vertex Algebras and Algebraic Curves

Combinatorics of q-characters of finite-dimensional representations of quantum affine algebras

Whittaker Patterns in the Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Bundles on Curves

Integrable Hierarchies and Wakimoto Modules

Spectral Curves, Opers and Integrable Systems

The q-characters of representations of quantum affine algebras and deformations of W-algebras

Five lectures on soliton equations

Deformations of W-algebras associated to simple Lie algebras

Towards Deformed Chiral Algebras

Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction for difference operators and deformations of W-algebras I. The case of Virasoro algebra

Geometric Realization of Whittaker Functions and the Langlands Conjecture

Geometric interpretation of the Poisson structure in affine Toda field theories

Equivalence of Two Approaches to the mKdV Hierarchies

Deformations of the KdV hierarchy and related soliton equations

Quantum W-algebras and Elliptic Algebras

Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz and Dilogarithm Identities I

Affine Algebras, Langlands Duality and Bethe Ansatz

Quantum Affine Algebras and Deformations of the Virasoro and W-algebras