David Corwin

My work always tried to unite the truth with the beautiful, but when I had to choose one or the other, I usually chose the beautiful. - H. Weyl

After spending Summer 2021 as a guest at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, I will begin a tenure-track position as a Senior Lecturer at Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Previously, I was a postdoc at U.C. Berkeley from 2018 to 2021, interrupted by a short postdoc at MSRI in Fall 2020 as part of the virtual semester Decidability, definability and computability in number theory. I finished a Ph.D. in mathematics at MIT in 2018.

I was previously an undergraduate student in mathematics at Princeton University. Before that, I was a high school student in Acton in Massachusetts.

I am interested primarily in number theory and its relations to algebraic geometry and homotopy theory. I am also interested in representation theory, physics, and logic.

I also enjoy learning languages, discovering the secrets of the universe (or other universes), and visiting cool places.


Through Spring 2020, I was a co-organizer of the Berkeley arithmetic geometry and number theory seminar.

Math H53 Spring 2021


Mathematical Writing

My PhD Thesis


Explicit Mixed Elliptic Motivic Chabauty-Kim, arXiv preprint.

Brauer and Etale Homotopy Obstructions on Open Covers (longer version), arXiv preprint.

(Joint with T. Schlank)

The polylog quotient and the Goncharov quotient in computational Chabauty-Kim theory I, International Journal of Number Theory, 16 (2020), pages 1859-1905.

(Joint with I. Dan-Cohen)

The polylog quotient and the Goncharov quotient in computational Chabauty-Kim theory II, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 373 (2020), pages 6835-6861.

(Joint with I. Dan-Cohen)

Elliptic Curves with Full 2-Torsion and Maximal Adelic Galois Representations, Mathematics of Computation, 83 (2014), pages 2925-2951.

(Joint with T. Feng, Z. Li, and S. Trebat-Leder)

On Cohen-Macaulayness of S_n-invariant subspace arrangements, International Mathematics Research Notices, IMRN 2016, no.7, pages 2104-2126.

(Joint with A. Brookner, P. Etingof, and S. Sam)

Slides on Research

In preparation:

Cuspidal Sections of Algebraic Fundamental Groups of Higher Dimensional Varieties

Adelic Galois Representations of Abelian Surfaces with Real Multiplication

(Joint with T. Feng, Z. Li, and S. Trebat-Leder)


From Chabauty to Kim (draft) (NEW: Updated September 2020)

Symmetry and the Cubic Formula

Galois Groups and Fundamental Groups (NEW: Updated March 2020)

A Treatise on Elementary Galois Theory

Some Basics on Linear Algebraic Groups Over Algebraically-Closed Fields (Final paper for a course on algebraic geometry, Fall 2010)

Systems of l-adic Representations and Elliptic Curves (Junior Paper, Fall 2011)

Complex Multiplication (Junior Paper, Spring 2012)

Images ouvertes et la conjecture de Manin-Mumford (Mémoire pour géométrie diophantienne, Paris, Spring 2012)

Suites spectrales, hypercohomologie, et catégorie dérivée

Model Theory and the Ax-Grothendieck Theorem (Handwritten notes for a talk, Fall 2012)

Valuation Spectrum of a Ring (Handwritten notes for a talk in MIT STAGE, Fall 2013)

Admissible Representations of p-adic Groups (Handwritten notes for a talk in the BU Local Langlands learning seminar, Spring 2014)

Valuation Spectrum of a Ring (Handwritten notes for a talk in MIT STAGE, Fall 2013)

Topological aspects of the fundamental group of the projective line minus three points (Handwritten notes for a talk in MIT STAGE, Fall 2014)

The de Rham Period Ring I (Handwritten notes for a talk in BU P-adic Hodge Theory learning seminar, Fall 2014)

Convergence of Fourier Series

Local Class Field Theory Via Galois Cohomology

Proof of the Prime Number Theorem

See here for a blog I used, mostly in high school.

Semi-Original Notes

Remarks on the Hodge Filtration in non-Abelian Chabauty

A Proof of a Case of Dirichlet's Theorem

Groupe de Mumford-Tate d'une courbe elliptique à τ transcendant

Solution to Putnam 2012 B6 Using Algebraic Number Theory

A Quick Proof that the Character Table is a Square

An Algorithmic Proof of the Nullstellensatz

Image of Inertia on the Tate Module Attached to an Abelian Variety

profile for David Corwin at MathOverflow, Q&A for professional mathematicians




Language Exchanges at UC Berkeley

Contact Information

Permanent Email: last name, then my first initial, then @, then alum, next a period, then mit, then dot edu

Berkeley Email: first initial, then last name, then @, then berkeley, then dot edu

Postal Address:
75 Bertwell Road
Lexington MA 02420