Fall 2008

The operator algebras seminar will meet on random Wednesdays during the semester at 2:10 in room 959.

29 October. Ilan Hirshberg: "The Jiang-Su algebra does not always embed"

Spring 2008

Click here to download notes for a lecture on operator spaces (corrected 13 May, 2008).

Fall 2007

  • Mathematics 290: Operator Algebras Seminar
    Summer schedule: Tuesdays, 2--3:30, Room 891 Evans.

    7 August. Ilan Hirshberg: Izumi's work on contraction semigroups that perturb the shift semigroup on L^2(0,\infty).
    Recently, there has been important progress on the construction and classification of semigroups of endomorphisms of B(H) by Izumi, and Izumi-Srinivasan. These lectures will focus on results of Izumi that play a central role in the above.

    Click here to download Izumi's preprint.
    Click here to download more details.

    21 August. Ilan Hirshberg continues.

  • Fall Schedule: Wednesdays, 2--3, Room 961 Evans.

    14 August. Ilan Hirshberg: Permutations of the Jiang-Su algebra.

    19 September. Bill Arveson: Extremal marginal traces on matrix algebras and quantum entanglement.
    Click here for more information.

    26 September. Bill Arveson: Marginal traces and completely positive maps.
    Click here for more information.

    Spring 2007

  • Mathematics 290: Operator Algebras Seminar
    Wednesdays, 2--3, Room 961 Evans.

    24 January. Bill Arveson: The noncommutative Choquet boundary.
    Very recently, it was shown that every separable operator system has sufficently many boundary representations. This establishes the existence of the noncommutative Choquet boundary in a rather general setting. I will begin by giving a series of lectures on this forty-year-old problem, describing its origins in issues arising from operator theory, the milestones along the way, and the promise of further developments.

    Click here to download background material with references.

    31 January. Bill Arveson: The noncommutative Choquet boundary II.

    7 February. Bill Arveson: The noncommutative Choquet boundary III.

    14 February. Bill Arveson: The noncommutative Choquet boundary IV.
    We show that the unique extension property is hereditary in the strongest possible sense: For every direct integral decomposition of a UCP map with the unique extension property into UCP maps, almost every one of the integrands has the unique extension property.

    21 February. Bill Arveson: The noncommutative Choquet boundary V.

    28 February. Bill Arveson: The noncommutative Choquet boundary VI.
    Completion of the proof of the main result. (hopefully).

    4 April. Anders Hansen, Oslo university: pseudospectra of linear operators on Hilbert spaces.

    11 April, 18 April. No meeting

    25 April. Marius Junge, university of Illinois: Minimal sets for operator systems.

    2 May. Robert Powers, university of Pennsylvania: Comparison theory for E0-semigroups.

    Spring 2006

  • Mathematics 290: Operator Algebras Seminar
    Wednesdays, 2--3, Room 939 Evans.

    18 Jan. Bill Arveson: Survey of Noncommutative Dynamics I
    I will begin by giving a general survey of the role of E_0-semigroups in noncommutative dynamics. The initial lecture will focus on the differences between the way the flow of time acts in probability theory versus quantum theory. We discuss a natural notion of causality in the noncommutative setting, and show how this leads naturally to the study of pairs of E_0-semigroups.

    25 Jan. Bill Arveson: Survey of Noncommutative Dynamics II
    We summarize some of the general theory of E_0-semigroups and some of the central problems that remain unsolved -- including product systems, the numerical index, the role of cocycle perturbations, and the current state of knowledge about classification. Subsequent lectures will focus on the properties of {\em pure} E_0-semigroups - which can be viewed as noncommutative counterparts of the so-called Kolmogorov endomorphisms of ergodic theory.

    1 Feb. Continuation

    8 Feb. Click here to download a pdf file containing lecture notes on continuous tensor products of Hilbert spaces.

    15 Feb. TBA

    Fall 2005

  • Mathematics 290: Operator Algebras Seminar
    Wednesdays, 2--4, Room 959 Evans.

    We begin with a series of two or three lectures by Ilan Hirshberg on self-absorbing C*-algebras. First meeting: August 31.

    Fall 2004

  • Mathematics 290: Operator Algebras Seminar
    Wednesdays, 2--4, Room 939 Evans.

    The central topic this semester will be noncommutative Poisson boundaries. These are noncommutative generalizations of the ``Poisson boundary" of the space of all bounded harmonic functions on the open unit disk, or on a domain in complex n-space or, more generally, on a complete Riemannian manifold.

    The noncommutative counterpart of the Laplacian is the generator of a semigroup of completely positive maps acting on a von Neumann algebra M, and the space H(M) of noncommuative harmonic functions is by definition the space of all elements of M that are fixed under the action of the semigroup. H(M) is an operator system; and while it is almost never closed under the multiplication of M, it has a new multiplication with respect to which it is a von Neumann algebra. This von Neumann algebra bH(M) is uniquely determined by H(M) up to isomorphism.

    bH(M) is the noncommutative Poisson boundary of H(M). It is a central problem in the subject to identify the structure of bH(M) in terms of the given data. A week-by-week description of the seminar follows. People following this seminar may wish to download the lecture notes from the operator algebras seminar held during Fall of 2003, posted below.

    Lecture 1.
    Lectures 2 and 3.
    Lectures 4 and 5: The range of an idempotent is a C*-algebra. Noncommutative Poisson boundaries.

    Fall 2003

  • Mathematics 290: Operator Algebras Seminar
    Mondays 3:10--4, room 961 Evans

    Ilan Hirshberg and I will discuss several topics of current interest in operator theory/operator algebras. Some knowledge of Hilbert space operators and operator algebras will be assumed, but we will provide background material when appropriate.
    Click here to download a pdf file containing updated information about weekly topics.
    I will occasionally post links to downloadable pdf files containing notes, historical comments and references relating to various lectures below.

    lecture 1 Introduction.
    lecture 2: The noncommutative Hahn-Banach Theorems.
    lecture 3: Extensions of C*-algebras.
    lecture 4: Extensions and liftings.
    lecture 5: The lifting theorem for nuclear C*-algebras.

  • Functional Analysis Colloquium.
    Tuesdays 4:10--5, room 3 Evans

    Meetings of the FAC are irregular, depending on the availability of visitors, the phase of the moon, and other factors.
    Click here to download a pdf file containing the latest information.

    Spring 2003

  • Mathematics 105: Analysis II
    MWF 10, room 3109 Etcheverry hall

    Text: "Real Mathematical Analysis" by Charles Pugh, Springer-Verlag Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics (2001)

    Office Hours: MWF 11:10-12 in room 983 Evans hall.

    See the department's course listing for information about other courses.

    The reader, Oscar Villareal, will be in his office, Room 1093 Evans, on Fridays from 3--4, for consultation about problem sets.

    Here are pdf-formatted files containing the problem sets.
    TIP: Since these problems are being made up as we go, you'd be wise to check each friday afternoon for updates/corrections.

    Exercises due 3 February pdf.
    Exercises due 19 February pdf.
    Exercises due 24 February pdf.
    Exercises due 3 March pdf.
    Exercises due 10 March pdf.
    Exercises due 31 March pdf.
    Exercises due 7 April (corrected) pdf.
    Exercises due 14 April pdf.
    Exercises due 21 April pdf.
    Exercises due 28 April pdf.
    Lecture notes: Riemann integral vs. Lebesgue integral pdf.
    Exercises due 5 May pdf.
    Exercises due 12 May pdf.
    The reader will put the graded 12 May assignment in the box outside my office (983 Evans hall) sometime during Wednesday of this week. They will be available on Thursday, 15 May.

    Here are certain solution sets.

    Problems due 19 February pdf.
    Midterm exam pdf.

    There will be a 50-minute midterm exam on Monday, Mar 10, during the normal lecture period. The exam will cover material discussed in the lectures through friday, Mar 7. There will be no further midterm exams, but there will be a final exam. Grades will be determined by performance on 1) problem sets, 2) the midterm exam and 3) the final exam, according to the following rough weighting:

    Final: 35%
    Problem sets: 35%
    Midterm exam: 30%.

    The FINAL EXAM is scheduled at the unfortunate hour of 8AM, in room 9 Evans Hall, on Monday, May 19, 2003. You should be sure to bring a blue book.

    Graded problem sets that are not picked up in class are available in a box outside my office anytime.

    Today's trivia quiz

    Who is this man? Here's a hint if you need it.