\abstract Let $\Cal A\subseteq\Cal B(H)$ be a \cstar\ of operators and let $P_1\leq P_2\leq\dots$ be an increasing sequence of finite dimensional projections in $\Cal B(H)$. In a previous paper \cite{3} we developed methods for computing the spectrum of self adjoint operators $T\in\Cal A$ in terms of the spectra of the associated sequence of finite dimensional compressions $P_nTP_n$. In a suitable context, we showed that this is possible when $P_n$ increases to $\I$. In this paper we drop that hypothesis and obtain an appropriate generalization of the main results of \cite{3}. Let $P_+=\lim_nP_n$, $H_+=P_+H$. The set $\Cal A_+\subseteq\Cal B(H_+)$ of all compact perturbations of operators $P_+T\!\restriction_{H_+}$, $T\in\Cal A$, is a \cstar\ which is somewhat analogous to the Toeplitz \cstar\ acting on $H^2$. Indeed, in the most important examples $\Cal A$ is a simple unital \cstar\ having a unique tracial state, the operators in $\Cal A$ are ``bilateral", those in $\Cal A_+$ are ``unilateral", and there is a short exact sequence of \cstar s $$ 0\to\Cal K\to\Cal A_+\to\Cal A\to 0 $$ whose features are central to this problem of approximating spectra of operators in $\Cal A$ in terms of the eigenvalues of their finite dimensional compressions along the given filtration. This work was undertaken in order to develop an efficient method for computing the spectra of discretized Hamiltonians of one dimensional quantum systems in terms of ``unilateral" tridiagonal $n\times n$ matrices. The solution of that problem is presented in Theorem 3.4. \endabstract