We show that many invariant subspaces M for d-shifts (S_1,...,S_d) of finite rank have the property that the orthogonal projection P_M onto M satisfies $$ P_MS_k - S_kP_M\in\mathcal L^p,\qquad 1\leq k\leq d $$ for every p>2d, $\mathcal L^p$ denoting the Schatten-von Neumann class of all compact operators having p-summable singular value lists. In such cases, the d tuple of operators \bar T=(T_1,...,T_d) obtained by compressing (S_1,...,S_d) to M^\perp generates a *-algebra whose commutator ideal is contained in \mathcal L^p for every p>d. It follows that the C^*-algebra generated by {T_1,...,T_d} and the identity is commutative modulo compact operators, the Dirac operator associated with \bar T is Fredholm, and the index formula for the curvature invariant is stable under compact perturbations and homotopy for this restricted class of finite rank d-contractions. Though this class is limited, we conjecture that the same conclusions persist under much more general circumstances.