Thomas Scanlon
Professor of Mathematics

Office Hours Spring 2024:

I hold office hours Tuesdays 5:15pm-6:15pm and Fridays 3pm-4pm..


This semester I am team teaching Math 135: Introduction to the Theory of Sets.


We have two model theory seminars this semester. The learning seminar on stable groups meets on Mondays from 11am to 12 noon in 891 Evans. A second seminar on the model theory and machine learning meets on Mondays from 4pm to 5pm in 891 Evans.

During the Autumn 2013 semester, Martin Speirs prepared notes for my Math 225A: Metamathematics course.

My papers (and some slides for recent talks and lecture notes) are available.

Office: 723 Evans

Electronic mail:

Office Telephone: (510) 642-3665   Fax: (510) 642-8204

University of California, Berkeley, Mathematics Department, Evans Hall, Berkeley, CA, 94720-3840